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Featured Artwork: "Starry Night Over the Rhone"

Pratt Institute’s Department of Fine Arts and Department of Photography are delighted to invite the public to the 2022 MFA Thesis Exhibition, open now through May 6. Student work is on view in Brooklyn’s Pfizer Building, an impressive loft space at 630 Flushing Avenue.

Each of the 32 graduating artists is presenting a body of work as the culmination of their time at Pratt. Those in the exhibition have worked in disciplinary and interdisciplinary ways over the course of their study in painting and drawing, photography, sculpture, printmaking, and integrated practices.

The artists, whose work can be viewed on Pratt’s Fine Arts Instagram account and Photo MFA Cargo Site, include Junoh Ahn, Ty Allen, Daliah Ammar, Taylor Bielecki, Jack Byers, Khaska Dottin, Nazli Efe, Camilla Gale, Elle Gillette, SuJung Jo, Katharina Kiefert, Oidie Kuijpers, Kirsten Batten-Leach, Jaybe Lee, Hiu Ching Leung, Elliot Lovegrove, Troy Medinis, Samantha Morris, Debo Mouloudji, Kristina Naso, Seyhr Qayum, Madeleine Riande, Rob Redding, Omar E. Saad, Rebecca Jean Sutton, Xiangni Song, Noah Tavlin, Justice-Michelle Thomas, Kelvin Tse, Amy Ungricht, Yu-Ching Wang, Yuning Xu.

Pratt’s MFA in Fine Arts educates artists through a comprehensive study in fine arts, criticism, art history, and humanities. Students become proficient in every aspect of their studio practice through a combination of rigorous critical discussion, broad-based studio and technical electives, collaborative opportunities, and concentrated study in their chosen areas. Pratt’s MFA in Photography serves students with interests in contemporary art practices — of all varieties — that rely heavily on the role of photographic imagery and imaging. This includes artists who use lens-based cameras; photosensitive materials and/or sensors; re-photography, aggregation, and quotation; and all approaches that fall under the umbrella of the photographic.

The exhibition, an expression of each participating artist’s vision and an affirmation of the community, is part of Pratt Shows 2022. Representing years of research, exploration, critical thinking, creative inquiry, problem-solving, growth, production, practice, and accomplishment, the shows celebrate student work leading up to commencement.

For information about Pratt Shows, which also feature work in architecture, design, information, and liberal arts and sciences, visit

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